Dexterity Medical & Transport Services Pte Ltd
Nature of Business:
Logistics & Transportation
Areas of Impact:
Provision of employment opportunities
Dexterity Medical & Transport Services Pte Ltd
www.dexterity.com.sgAbout Us
Dexterity is a medical transport company, providing safe, comfortable and affordable transportation for the low-income elderly and disabled. It is of key importance to us that our patrons have access to locations, like medical centres, clinics, hospitals, that are necessary for their healthcare.
Products & Services
Dexterity is a medical transport company, providing safe, comfortable, and affordable transportation for the low-income elderly and disabled. It is of key importance to us that our patrons have access to locations, like medical centres, clinics, hospitals, that are necessary for their healthcare.
Dexterity is currently the exclusive provider for Ren Ci Hospital’s centres for medical transport, through a 2-year contract, with an option to extend for 2 years.
Dexterity was established as a medical transport operator in January 2021. Dexterity aims to be a Social Enterprise as their work benefits beneficiaries at various levels:
• Economical: By providing an affordable medical transport service for elderlies with low income
• Physical: By providing mobility to elderlies with disabilities
• Mental: By providing gentle care and attention to elderlies with health conditions
• Social: To help address and alleviate this need in this environment where the middle class struggles with cost of living, taking care of aged, sickly parents